Sound insulating ceiling

fendie, Nov 27, 4:29am
I have a downnstairs bedroom which needs to be insulated in some way from the upstairs sound effects, in particular the shower tray is just above the bed downstairs. As the ceiling gib board has to come off anyway (christchurch, don't ask ! ) I can put those grey sound deadening batts, and then 'soundline gib'. However a builder friend suggested that I just batten the ceiling and then put another layer of gib right over the already damaged ceiling. Soundline again I guess. The downlights would need to come out, but I am not mad on them anyway. Any one have any comments/thoughts on which ofthese two alternatives would be most effective !I think the cost would be fairly comparable, so it is the effectiveness that I am more concerned about. Thanks

kingsteve1, Nov 27, 4:50am
pretty hard to dampen sound but if you use a floating ceiling system which is bascially a metal ceiling batten on a clip but attached to the upstairs floor joists by a rubber gromet type thing then batts and sound gib, try the gib website there might be a diagram in there.if you just batten straight over top then the sound still travels through pretty easy

carter19, Nov 27, 5:16am
You will always here the noise. Best bet is to do as kingsteve suggests AND go to somewhere that sells megainsulation such as used to line engine bays on boats.Very exoensive but worth it

fendie, Nov 27, 6:33am
Hmn, I Googled megainsulation and got no where, any suggestions for Christchurch ! and thanks kingsteve1, the ceiling is already pretty low, I think your way of doing it we should remove the existing gib board and then put the batts etc.! I think that would leave it at the same height. I get the feeling that I should get an architect to draw it up.If I look at a gib website I shall probably go blind .

rak1, Nov 27, 7:10am
Get a copy of a "Gib Site Guide", usually free from bigger hardware stores. Its all in there.

fendie, Nov 27, 7:55am
I have written 'Gib Site Guide' on my To Do list for tomorrow !no, seriously I really have .I have looked up web sites about this before and decidedthat I didn't understand a word. We battle on I guess.

eezy1, Nov 27, 8:15am
sound deadining foam rubber works better than sound batts for a small area but its not cheap either Around $120 for a 2mtr x 1200 sheet i think off hand It could be packed around the underside of the tay or even glue polly to the tray if you can get at it

zak410, Nov 23, 1:19pm
just download the part of the Gib site-guide you need: