Stupid question - insect

gravey84, Jan 15, 10:44pm
Hi all, I'm relatively new to gardening but am pretty proud of my garden at the moment. However, this morning while I was weeding I noticed those little brown "clicky insects" - I really don't know their proper name -all I know is that we used to touch them when we were kids and they clicked and flew away. They've got large wings (?).

Sorry, I know this sounds ridiculous. does anyone know what they are called and are they a problem in the garden?

Thanks in advance from a novice gardener!

lemming2, Jan 15, 11:31pm
Photo? Do you mean click beetles - if they land on their backs they click their wing cases until they flip back onto their feet .

trade4us2, Jan 15, 11:54pm
I know nothing about insects, but how about a Leaf Hopper

biddy6, Jan 15, 11:55pm
Maybe a cricket?

kateley, Jan 16, 12:21am
sounds like maybe passion vine hopper - they are a bleep nuisance. They are sap suckers so will suck the goodness from your plants. Can be controlled with systemic insecticide but you don't want to use that on any food plants. If you can give them a very hard hosing on a windy day they sometimes will blow away and be someone else's problem

gravey84, Jan 16, 12:42am
Ahh thank you kateley! They are indeed passionvine hoppers. So far they're not on my food plants so I'll get some insecticide tomorrow.

Thanks very much for your help :-)

comadi, Jun 8, 6:12pm

I think the New Zealand click Beetles are harmless to crops.