Spreading plant that likes crappy dry clay soil?

valleystream, Sep 1, 12:07am
Hi, I have a long clay bank that is rubbish clay and in summer it's soooo dry. Can anyone suggest a spreading plant, prefer one that flowers? Thanks so much.

nchun, Sep 1, 12:19am
Cotoneaster horizontalis and don't ever get talked into planting Hedera (Ivy). Cheers!

stevo2, Sep 1, 12:43am
Here is a photo of a quickly spreading plant on my rock retaining wall (to the right of my van)
Hopefully someone can tell you what its called.
Its normally vibrant green succulent with tiny red flowers for a lot of the year. The bees love it.
It just grows from a cutting with little maintenance and as it spreads, it digs into the ground and establishes new roots. In the photo it is growing over large boulders.

fhpottery, Sep 1, 1:18am
Black eyed Susan looks good. Pretty hardy.

rainrain1, Sep 1, 1:38am
Ice plant might be alright

paora-tm, Sep 1, 1:43am
Nasturtium - make sure you get a trailing variety. Kings Seeds gives suggestions for ground cover flowers.

dibble35, Sep 1, 3:25am
Isnt it a noxious weed?

floralsun, Sep 2, 4:50am
Groundcover rosemary?

lemming2, Sep 2, 11:42pm
Spreading Osteospermums might be rather great. They flower furiously, respond well to a bit of chopping to reflower, and come in various sorts of flowers which can make for interest.

portly, Sep 3, 11:45pm
This one, plant a.s.a.p, have bank facing south-west, clay, on side of island, so dry and windswept in summer, lost maybe 20% the first year, 5% the next, now totally covered and looks fantastic.
Never Ivy, agapanthus, or black-eyed Susan all invasive

valleystream, Sep 4, 4:15am
Thanks so much this is great info!

mkbooks, Sep 4, 4:30pm
Agapanthus + ivy are "noxious weeds" + garden centers are not allowed to sell them
What about Euphorbias- Rock roses- lavenders-alstroemarias grow OK in my crappy clay-get a bit of colour contrast

mkbooks, Sep 4, 4:32pm
What about Euphorbias- Rock roses- lavenders-alstroemarias grow OK in my crappy clay-get a bit of colour contrast, gazanias-arctotis-ivy geraniums- common jasmine grows OK too.

maccachic1, Sep 4, 5:58pm

bluefrog2, Sep 4, 8:54pm
Nasturtium dies back completely in winter in Dunedin. If it does that where you are as well, you'll be left with a bare patch all winter. I'd go for a selection of succulents, and maybe some creeping rosemary and thyme.

fhpottery, Sep 6, 1:41am
Don't think so. It's a rare wall climber but I could be wrong. I was wrong once.

rita197, Sep 9, 6:10am
Coprosma repens 'Poor Knights' is very good. I assume the area is sunny? Check out native ground covers that spread to approx 1m wide that are happy in dry soil conditions.

lettice, Oct 5, 5:42am
There's a very nice prostrate macrocarpa that I've used on hard clay banks.