What could I plant

reggienz, Jun 3, 6:31pm
My first hot house. I'm in south canterbury. Got a few lettuces in,and chilli peppers in pots indoors. Even have tomatoes coming up indoors. Would it be wise to put the chillies in now? I might leave the tomatoes till later though. Anything else I can plant?

samanya, Jun 3, 6:45pm
I'd be wary about frost tender plants atm. I am in Nth Canterbury & have a polycarb greenhouse & with the very heavy frosts we've had so far . I've lost most of the frost tender plants that I was hanging on to from summer. Chillis, Aubergine, basil & beans (an experiment)
I've got lettuces, Coriander, lemongrass, celery & spinach in mine.

reggienz, Jun 5, 4:55pm
any other ideas?

samanya, Jun 5, 5:15pm
I've successfully grown pak choi in winter.
I concentrate on fresh greens as I have plenty of root veges in the garden. It will be a learning curve . be adventurous & good luck ;o)

meoldchina, Dec 21, 9:19am
I grow broad beans in my greenhouse during winter on the Nelson coast. It's more as a protection from wind than frost. I have to leave the greenhouse door open during the warmer days in order to get them pollinated in the early spring.