Cats digging up my seeds.

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yjeva, Dec 1, 9:45pm
I disagree. I have three units next to me who all have cats and no gardens so they come over to mine. I had tried all the usual things like pepper, mothballs and shot them with a water pistol whenever I saw them but every morning I would have more little piles and plants dug out.
I deliberated a long time about getting the electronic thing because of the price but finally did it. That was four months ago and I have not had a cat in my garden since. They walk along the top of the fence several times a day to bypass my place.

standard, Dec 1, 10:12pm
Funny! Ours work perfectly and we wouldn't be without them now.

stompy, Dec 1, 10:57pm

mm12345, Dec 2, 12:17am
I don't believe you. I don't think you're telling lies, just subject to placebo effect and reporting what you think you observe.

mm12345, Dec 2, 12:20am

mm12345, Dec 2, 12:21am

quiz3, Dec 2, 1:55am

niffer13, Dec 2, 2:18am
I am not sure what you mean "reporting what you think you observe" ?
I bought ours because our neighbour found cat hair on small mesh reinforcing steel netting around his garden where a cat had jumped from a fence into his fenced garden. So knowing that I bought ours. No more cat sh. in veg garden however still find it flower garden. No digging in newly dug soil. So that is what I have observed. ?

standard, Dec 2, 2:33am
And I know what we have observed too, no cats!

skin1235, Dec 2, 2:38am
about $30 for a noise moderator, screws onto the end of the 22 rifle, can't be heard from neighbours, poor moggy

mm12345, Dec 2, 3:33am
But you don't know why. Skin (post above) may have shot them, or they might have been abducted by aliens - seeing as you seem to believe in things for which there's not good evidence.

niffer13, Dec 2, 4:02am
Who cares what keeps them away. So long as they Sh. in their own back yard & not mine

speeedy1, Dec 2, 4:38am
A nice wind up ;-)

mm12345, Dec 2, 4:47am
If this works:
Then I'll await arguments from cat owners making up all kinds of excuses as to why their precious little native bird-killer shouldn't be forced to wear them.
If they work, as trials in Aus suggest they do, then it's a great solution. Not only reduce the kill count for birds, but increase the kill count for rats and mice. Won't stop them sh!tting on your turnips though.

thistle4, Dec 2, 1:07pm
I buy little wooden skewers from the $2 shop and put them all around my seeds and seedlings (pointed end up). Seems to work.

yjeva, Dec 2, 3:01pm
Watching the cats avoiding my place when they used to virtually live here is good enough evidence for me!

standard, Dec 2, 3:44pm
+ 1 and several friends

bluefrog2, Dec 2, 3:47pm
Is this the ultrasonic repellent? I want one!

bluefrog2, Dec 2, 3:49pm
Thorny rose bush prunings worked for me too. Unfortunately, I only have three rose bushes, and that's not really enough for a steady supply.

bluefrog2, Dec 2, 3:55pm
As with all things, ultrasonic scarers come with varying quality. I think there are really good ones, and some crap ones that are just a scam. The trick is to find the good ones. 5 settings sounds right.

bluefrog2, Dec 2, 3:59pm
How long have you had it working for? Months? And could we get a pic, please? Maybe the picture from the ebay seller's site where you bought it off. I'm having visions of keeping the bl** neighbours dog out of our yard too.

bluefrog2, Dec 2, 4:12pm

standard, Dec 2, 7:47pm
Yes exactly but ours was cheaper than that, several suppliers sell them

maclad, Jul 14, 5:06pm
LOL grandies digging up mine, gotta sort them out