Merlin M802 garage door remote

kiwiguy47, Mar 21, 2:19am
Any one got an old spare one or key ring one

kandjaja, Mar 21, 3:18am
Is that the one with the blue button or green button?

kiwiguy47, Mar 21, 9:54pm
Blue button

gabbysnana, Mar 22, 12:59am
I have two, one brand new and one original that i havent got round to listing. If you want them i can courier them to you. how much you want to pay

kiwiguy47, Mar 22, 1:38am
$20 +

rotormotor7, Mar 22, 4:29am
Gabby needs to sell kiwifulla a buynow hug for 50c :)

kiwiguy47, Mar 22, 7:51pm
Hi gabbysnana how much you want for them ?

gabbysnana, Mar 22, 9:33pm
both for $70, i, ll courier them

kiwiguy47, Mar 22, 10:46pm
we only want 1

gabbysnana, Mar 22, 10:50pm
Theres a whole pile on tm right now.

kiwiguy47, Mar 22, 10:57pm
Yep and 1 is $18

jmma, Feb 25, 10:16am
Squeak squeak squeak (o: