Tamarillo plant HELP please!

maffoo1, Aug 11, 3:23am
I planted a tamarillo last year
grew well, lots of off shoots and big leaves, then it got what i thought was aphids. turns out it was white fly,.
Now the plant has black spots covering the top of the stems . can i save it?
If so how?

kateley, Aug 11, 3:27am
Mine get black when the frost gets them. Should be ok if it's still got leaves and new shoots. Just prune off the black bits in Spring (you don't want any tender new growth if you're still getting frosts.)
They are very prone to whitefly

maffoo1, Aug 11, 3:56am
ahh awesome. guess i will need to cover it over winter to stop frosts (yes?)

kateley, Aug 11, 4:07am
It will be much happier if you can cover it, they hate cold and wind

mouse_y, Aug 11, 4:11am
frosts hammer them
a copper based spray helps for whitefly/fungus etc

annies3, Aug 11, 6:32am
We had a magnificent tamarillo up north, lots of fruit, when it was time I researched instructions on pruning and discovered the yates book advised to reduce at least by 50% wow I did just that and never another leaf did that poor plant grow. :(

charie4, Aug 11, 6:50am
They also love lawn clippings around them-you will need to spray for whitefly. Don't worry about the black spots on the leaves. A light frost wont worry them but a heavy frost can kill them.

mustu, Aug 16, 6:40am
Despite my best efforts mine consistently got fungal problems and leaves would keep falling off till they were all gone. Finally I admitted defeat and pulled it out.

dete, Aug 16, 9:42am
Unfortunately I believe tamarillo plants are very susceptible to the tomato/potato psyllid which is in most places now.

cleggyboy, Aug 16, 11:12pm
I have always propagated from cutting, you get a lower bushier tree, seedlings grow tall & spindly which makes them prone to wind damage.
They don't like large hail stones either. Mine looked as if it had been attack by a shotgun one year after a hail storm with stones as big as marbles.

kateley, Aug 16, 11:17pm
that's interesting, mousey - I've not heard of using copper for insects. Must have a google.

maclad, Aug 17, 1:52am
Copper is not an insecticide.

kaylin, Aug 20, 8:01am
I'm having problems with mine too, fungus. I'd appreciate information on what to spray it with please. Oh, and yes I know I have aphids top.
https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/405019277.jpg https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/405019175.jpg

fhpottery, Oct 22, 3:10am
I have them in Opunake Taranaki, and they get blasted by high salt winds but always produce. Very light frosts here, if at all. They look terribly battered but like the lack of frost really. I understand they are heavy feeders and like seaweed fert etc. My neighbour has a sheltered coastal section and I swear there were hundreds of fruit on her tree. Never seen anything like it.
They use seaweed soup on the base, just collected from shore and diluted in water.