Ive done heaps of reading on this and had some success with the dishwashing water add to that oil(cooking) and apple cider vinegar to help deter also spray at night and spray the ground. This has been more effective than my normal spraying.
Jan 4, 6:21pm
The soapy water thing never works, seriously.
Try confidor.
Jan 6, 4:56pm
My mum mixes condys crystals with common salt, mix and spray. I looked at her roses the other day and they were beautiful and healthy.
Jan 6, 11:35pm
Kiwicare organic spraying oil.
I've only had to spray once this year when they first arrived. If they turn yellow thems dead.
Jan 7, 12:21am
Trick with aphids, is get them when you first see them, either in regular spraying off with water, or a good spray. I use Shield, but sparingly, up to 3 times the entire Summer. Its been an absolute bumper rose crop this year, we have 20 along the front of the house, but have only sprayed twice. Make sure you spray either early in the morning or late at night and when its clear and not going to rain. Follow the instructions on the bottle to the letter (exactly the right dose, don't overdo or underdo it). Make sure you get the underside of the leaves as well, aphids love the new growth, not so much spray as its dripped off the leaves, that's too much. For a heavy infestation, wait 3 weeks then spray again. It used to be the norm to do a "spraying regime" but as most insecticides used in Horticulture have not changed in around 20 years, some insects are becoming immune. I thoroughly recommend the Kiwi range at the Warehouse, exactly the same ingredients for around half the price of items such as Conquerer oil, Shield, and Roundup. Also, plant things around your roses that encourage insects who love aphids, e.g. lady birds and preying mantis. We have a large cat nip hedge in front of ours, so that attracts plenty of bees, ladybirds and other insects. Do some google research.
Dec 11, 1:51am
Some help please with getting rid of aphids, & keeping them off, my rose bushes. I spray but to no avail ???? Have used Super Shield but am now trying Mavtek. Not all roses affected but certainly on my Icebergs! It's driving me mad!
Dec 11, 2:42am
Aphids do die, but only appear alive as they just sit dead on the bush. Look closeup to see if the legs are still moving
Dec 11, 4:54am
Squish them. Don't worry if some drop to the ground-they don't climb back up.
Dec 11, 6:01am
Really! they don't climb back up? Do they get back on rose bush in another manner? Hate using sprays so maybe I should just give the rose bushes a shake or two and knock the little beggars off, then any remaining I could squish.
Dec 11, 1:04pm
Get lady birds they eat them. My thread on this board on lady birds is an interesting read. Mine have them as well and it sad I don't want to go near sprays so just do the squash and lady birds All the best with yours Anne
Dec 11, 2:40pm
Digital control
Dec 11, 2:50pm
If you don't want to use sprays then use dishwashing liquid and water. Does not last as long as commercial spray but does work. Spray early evening after sun has gone down otherwise it will dry off too quickly.
Dec 13, 2:32pm
My failsafe aphid spray involves potato water (from boiled potatoes) mixed with dishwash liquid, the spud water makes it stick and the dishwash liquid poisons them with no harm to the roses.
Dec 13, 4:43pm
I have had the same problem with my Iceberg rose and some others. I just hosed them off, as someone said here they don't climb back on. Once I cleared them that way I then just squished each day the odd one I saw and have now been clear 3 days.
Mar 30, 12:55pm
Part of the issue with aphis is that they can breed with in a few hours of hatching and do not need a male to to this. They can produce hundreds of babies so what chance does a home gardener stand against them. If only one survives. ? Oil sprays will help as well as the other suggestions.
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