Well ponder this before you buy Briggs & Stratton latest engines are fitted with a plastic carburettor And there lies the problem, although the plastics are unaffected by the ???right??? petrol, there is a design fault that after just 5 hours of use the dang things start to misfire and lose power. Briggs will tell you have used dirty fuel and then charge you a service fee that wasn??
Oct 30, 8:34pm
Mower still going strong after 17 years of use. But we do our own maintenance.
Oct 30, 8:53pm
So its doesn't have the latest engine in?
Perhaps people should be complaining under Fair Trading Act?
Oct 30, 8:54pm
Same here but my old mower engine is 24 yrs old It was the chassis that died so I replaced the whole lot The old engine is now on the new chassis :-)
Oct 30, 9:00pm
Anyone got an English translation for the OP thread heading?
Oct 30, 9:16pm
Okay Oh clever one - just for YOU Should read "So, you are thinking - - "
Oct 30, 9:22pm
For me too
Oct 30, 9:45pm
I'm good at riddles I don't need any help
Oct 30, 10:07pm
Also watch you do not hit any obstacles hidden in your lawn too, my at the time 2 month old Chinese junk Briggs and stratton, bent its crankshaft the first time i hit one. But no worries the bull dropping grade steel was so soft, i just belted it straight enough with a club hammer. As for the electric start, what a joke, cranking motor drops voltage too low to fire ignition, and yes i tried a new battery. It is 2 -3 years old now, done probably less than 150 hours total use, but smokes like heck, and is a pig to start. Gave up on it and bought a battery enviro mower.
Aug 14, 2:05pm
Briggs have used plastic carbs for years, ever since ching chongs started making the motors. There is something wrong with yours though, they have been known to warp the carb, causing an air leak, and because the cheap chink made diaphragms are made of recycled condoms, it may have a pinhole in it, or the plug may be bad. These motors are fairly good on the whole though, just gutless. The few I've had trouble withover the years has been carb diaphragm related. Can't do anything about it though, everything is made there now, by the lowest bidder who really couldn't care less how long it lasts.
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