Plant name. please?

fleur59, Nov 23, 4:28am
Sedum spectabile

butterflies love the flowers

helianthus, Nov 23, 4:41am
Bees absolutely love it too!

mokaumoi, Nov 23, 9:14am
So pretty when it flowers It's an annual, so don't lose sight od its whereabouts when it does off.!q=sedum+spectabile&hl=en&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Ez6vULzcI-jriwKOvoGwBA&sqi=2&ved=0CCoQsAQ&biw=1383&bih=1039

piquant, Nov 23, 9:19am
Idon't know where you get the impression that this Sedum is an annual.! It is a perennial but it is deciduous - meaning it dies right down over winter and disappears below ground. But definitely not an annual.

love.a.bargain, Nov 23, 8:24pm
Does it grow easily from cuttings!

helianthus, Nov 23, 8:35pm
Very easily - we have dozens in the garden we have propogated by cuttings.

funkydunky, Nov 17, 8:45am
I suggest that you could be wrong. It looks like some type of Kalanchoe to me. If it is a kalanchoe then yes very easy to grow from cuttings