I live near the beach. The ground is almost totally sand. I planted daf's last year and have flowered brilliantly. Also planed 100 bulbs that are a mix of types and colours. When I planted them I added bulb food to each hole. I am wondering, while they are up, should I feed them? I can't imagine there is a lot in the sandy ground for them to draw on. Should I spray them with liquid food or something? Thanks.
Oct 22, 1:33am
I have sandy soil too, you can put some goodness and body into the soil with good compost yearly, also helps with moisture conservation. Once flowering has finished sprinkle Diazinon on the soil around the base of the leaves to discourage the narcissus flies whose offspring will burrow down and feast on the inside out of the bulbs. Remove spent flower heads to stop seed development and lightly apply a general purpose or bulb fertiliser to encourage better bulb growth. Allow foliage to die back naturally this is when they draw the nourishment from the foliage and store it for next seasons growth.
Oct 22, 2:12am
Cheers wheels. Can I show my complete ignorance now? How do I dig compost in without disturbing the bulbs? So I dig it in above them? Thanks again.
Oct 22, 2:55am
Rose fert has same NPK as bulb food. Apply as a side dressing after flowering but well before leaves yellow. Composting sandy soils is the best way to build humus and improve moisture holding ability. Bulb fly travels into the bulb via the open neck as the foliage dies down. Growing a low annual over your bulb beds can help ie alyssum or pansies
Oct 22, 4:06pm
Puppetman. No need to dig it in, use as a mulch. ie lay it around foliage, but not on top of foliage, it can be lightly cultivated once foliage has died down.
Oct 22, 11:39pm
Thanks. I have planted them among the grass, so as well as food, I am thinking mowing without a catcher hopefully get's something down to them as well?
Aug 22, 10:06am
Oh! They're in the lawn. different story. Don't mow the leaves . they need to die down naturally. Just feed with bulb food, probably about now, once flowering has finished, water once fertilised.
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