Spring bulbs.

oh_hunnihunni, Feb 8, 2:01pm
I just got my Kings newsletter. Oh joy, summer is over, lol!

lilyfield, Feb 8, 2:09pm
And freesia bulbs are in the shop

stevee6, Feb 8, 3:22pm
Time to take my bulbs out of their pots, label 'em and put them in the fridge. The joy never ends. I noticed today the japanese anemones are in bud too.

books4nz, Feb 8, 11:17pm
The ground is so dry here that I found some of my bulbs were sitting in loose soil. when to plant them again! thanks for help.

stevee6, Feb 8, 11:19pm
You'll find it's likely they don't have much in the way of root systems, so until you're ready to replant, just keep them in a dry dark place. When replanting, use compost and make sure the soil is well soaked first, and that you plant them at least as deep again as the bulb measures lengthwise.

books4nz, Feb 8, 11:33pm
Thanks for your help - will do that.

oh_hunnihunni, Feb 9, 1:18am
Mine aren't. Just looking summer ratty. Which reminds me, I must pot up a few to take to the new place.

stevee6, Feb 9, 1:20am
You shifting! Getting towards the right time of the year for shifting plants, luckily.

jag5, Feb 9, 1:49am
Have finally sold and moved after nearly 2 years.have had plants and bulbs in pots just waiting to get moved back to the country.finally here.now where to start lol.these poor things should take off after being in pots for so long.

oh_hunnihunni, Feb 9, 1:30pm
Mmmm, radically downsizing to a tiny but rather nice bedsit. Terribly sensible on the budget, bit hard on the squirrel tendencies. But I like pot gardening, so it'll be fine!

sossie1, Feb 9, 1:32pm
"pot gardening!"(sniggers childishly)

stevee6, Feb 9, 2:58pm
Pots can be fabulous - if you can invest in a few big pots, you can make wee landscapes within. Best of luck in your new home.

stevee6, Feb 9, 2:59pm
Georgous - a new garden!

oh_hunnihunni, Feb 9, 3:09pm
Small will be good seeing I have a heavy study programme for the next couple of years. As for pots I've discovered those big bright coloured flexible plastic buckets from the Warehouse make excellent pots for vegies. My tomatoes and cukes this year were superb - they're deep enough to provide a good water reservoir for thirsty vegies, and with a layer of charcoal drainage wasn't a problem this summer. Might need a few holes though for winter!

oh_hunnihunni, Feb 28, 12:49am
Salvia! muShrooms!, nudge nudge wink wink, lol.