hi how do you stop wasps building nests ? hubby has just removed a whole lot from our brick house and within minutes they are trying rebuild another one Cheers
Apr 12, 1:36am
what type of wasps? otherwise spray a contact poison that will kill anything that lands on surfaces.
Apr 12, 5:33am
I was told the other the other day soapy water tip over them should kill them, best done at night.
Apr 12, 3:00pm
You can't. You can kill the lot, best to wait until night when none are likely to be out still.
Of course some other wasps will come along eventually.
May 17, 6:36am
let them build the nest then spray with black flag fly spray at night when they are inside the nest.
May 17, 6:13pm
For paper wasps, a cupful of petrol over the nest instantly kills them all. Flyspray takes too long and you may get stung.
May 17, 10:07pm
i have done many, many paper wasp nests and flyspray is just fine. Make sure you do it at dusk and are fast and put plenty on. I've never been stung by using this method.
Jan 7, 1:02pm
I had a wasp nest 6 metres up on the side of the house. It was too dangerous to climb a ladder in order to spray the nest. Climbing down a ladder chased by a lot of wasps could be a problem. So I got a 5 metre pole and taped a flyspray can to the top, with a rope attached to the trigger. It worked like a charm!
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