AK - What Veges To Plant Now?

buzzy110, May 21, 12:00am
What vegetable seedlings would be worthwhile planting now?

fhpottery, May 21, 1:28am
silverbeet. (rainbow one good but quite sweet compared to greener varieties) slow bolt spinach. can grow in in pots and is healthy. bok choy good.most will produce well and nice to eat.

samanya, May 21, 2:24am
A quick google came up with this

& this
"When to grow vegies

Vegetables can be loosely grouped according to their growing season.

Cool Season Vegetables: Grow best when temperatures are between 10-20 degrees C or even lower. They include: broad beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, onions, peas, spinach and turnips.

Intermediate Season Vegetables: These are best between temperatures of 15-25 degrees. Include: beetroot, carrot, parsnip, celery, leek, lettuce, radish, silver beet."

samanya, May 21, 5:42pm
If it's only seedlings you are interested in, usually garden centres only have what is suitable for the season . hope that helps.

lythande1, May 21, 8:39pm
Whatever you want to eat.
I still have capsicums, also have leeks, miniature silverbeet, caulis, radishes,
beetroot, swedes, peas.

samanya, May 21, 10:06pm
I don't know about Auckland's climate but here, where we get severe frosts & sometimes snow, I manage to grow , spinach, caulis, cabbages, broccoli, Brussell sprouts, carrots, onions, kohl rabi, parsnips, beetroot, celery to name a few & lettuces & Pak Choi in the green house.
Buzzy110 should be able to have even more variety in her climate.

samanya, May 23, 12:18am
Did that help, buzzy110?
Feedback would be good.

tarawera99, May 23, 12:49pm
I bought a grow tunnel this year for my seedlings and veggies are doing very well in that. Celery, spinach and silverbeet

lythande1, May 23, 2:45pm
Franklin is part of Auckland - she can grow all sorts.

samanya, May 23, 10:42pm
I did know that lythande ;o)
My post was a bit ambiguous.

mottly, May 24, 12:37am
We're in Thames. In our garden are cabbages, caulis, broccoli, beetroot, kohlrabi, Bak chou, kale, spinach, fennel, garlic, peas, and shortly broad beans. Carrots and parsnips are cheap enough to buy.

oh_hunnihunni, May 24, 1:58am
I'm sticking with silverbeet, spinach, my herbs, and maybe a punnet of broadbeans for the fun of them (and the scent of the flowers) and my still growing spring onions. I don't have much success with winter veg, but I grow superb pansies.

samanya, May 25, 4:44am
Pansies/herbs spinach would make a good stir fry . as long as the colours were compatable.

buzzy110, May 31, 11:05pm
Yes it does. Thank you samanya for taking the time to respond and providing me with great information. I was having a moment back there when I couldn't think what else to plant.

Thank you too, to all the others who responded. I got sidetracked by my flower and ornamental gardens and forgot I'd started this thread till the other day when I was weeding in my vege patch and was again wondering if there was something else I should be growing.

p.monro, Dec 25, 3:05pm
Best thing to do is make a small hothouse. I made one out of demolition decking and spare plastic. Grow your seeds or seedlings in punnets for a few months yet.
At this time of the year much of what is sown in the soil will either rot or be overcome with weeds or eaten by slugs
As the plants grow they can be transplanted to larger pots