Getting rid of bamboo

uniracer, Feb 10, 7:01pm
Just wondering if anyone has had experiences with rampant bamboo? I have a small forest of bamboo creeping through my garden- it's now starting to encroach on the lawn in a major way.

Gardener recommends digging up part of it and dropping a concrete barrier to stop roots spreading.

What have people done to get ride of bamboo?

ngaroto, Feb 10, 9:07pm
Cut back as much as you can to ground level then paint on woody weedkiller. have done this myself, but mat take a few applications Good luck.

richard112, Feb 10, 9:48pm
Depends on the size, location etc. Had a belt about 10m high to try to cut back road dust years back. We cut that low, & dug it out with an excavator. sprayed shoots w Roundup. No hope hand digging, it had a 7 tonne excavator standing on its toes. A smaller variety & smaller plot we cut to about 1.5 m high & sprayed every year for about 3 yrs. We have won, but wasn't easy.

kenw1, Feb 10, 9:53pm
We had a fairly good stand of it, about 30m long 10-15m wide and 7 m high. Well established been there 25 years plus.

We sprayed with a mixture of Roundup full strength and Amitrile (sp) full strength plus a sticker agent.

It took a couple of good sprays to see any yellowing, but it did start to die.

We then hand cleared, you can get a special hand saw that has a double row of teeth made by sulki about 70 bux but sooo fast.

We then sprayed the regrowth and sprayed and sprayed, All gone within about 18 months.

groovie1, Feb 10, 11:39pm
nope trying to copy a message board of bamboo over but won't do.

So type in bamboo in the left search engine. That'll do it.

maclad, Feb 11, 12:39am
If this bamboo is coming into your property from the neighbours then you will have on going issues, "forever" unless you have understanding and co- operative neighbours. Once you and your neighbours have reached agreement that this bamboo needs to be destroyed then there are a few options you could use to destroy it, but it will take time.

uniracer, Jul 1, 12:36am
Thanks for all the replies. The bamboo was planted in our garden by the previous owner, but over the years it has turned from a small clump into something of a forest.

I'm might be going with a temp solution which is to dig up the half that has moved onto the lawn and drop some concrete down to stop it spreading back, then eradicating the whole lot later on.