Left over timber from deck build

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underconstructy, Jan 3, 10:02pm
NZS3604 is the standard from timber framed buildings ie: the build code. Its not a construction contract.

Is it a cost plus job? or do you have an estimate or quote? have you paid the final account? Or is the work completed and are you expecting any more bills?

zirconium, Jan 3, 10:06pm
We got a fixed price quote, and have paid that total. It was 50% to accept the contract, then balance on finishing. :) The only other thing it says is buyilt by a licenced building practitioner.

Thanks for your help, that's all the info i have. No problems if you can't help further. We have reminded them, via email and text.

rich1969, Jan 3, 10:09pm
Good old Wanganui was it? Probably a person with mental health issues which the place has way more than its fair share.

spiritofgonzo, Jan 3, 10:38pm
All ownership questions aside, I would be pretty annoyed if they didn't clear up when they'd finished. I consider that a bit lazy. Your property is not a storage yard and they need to remove their leftovers. I would be emailing them to request that it is removed within 7 days or you will start charging storage costs at $100 per week. Why should you have to put up with their leftovers on your property.

skin1235, Jun 21, 2:16pm
yep, Wanganui East, which seems to have an even better share than the rest of the place
perhaps a little unfortunate for the second one, it wasn't his fault the first one had got me wound up before he arrived lol

when picking up timber etc a few weeks later at one of the stores it was mentioned once I was recognised, the comments included that it was quite rife in Wanga for tradies vans and tools to be targeted in that manner and that from their other stores they had heard that 24 hr security was required on home builds in some parts of the country to ensure that the wiring and a windows, appliances etc didn't disappear the night after they were installed, roofing iron left on the ground overnight seemed to grow feet and run away quite regularly - not much fun if it was dropped off the truck at 4pm