Need advise on: Tall Slender Bushy Screening Plant

iwithekiwi, Mar 18, 5:40am
Basically for privacy.Any recommendations greatfully appreciated :o)

dms01, Mar 18, 5:44am
depends on the conditions - do you get frost, seaspray, is it dry, wet! and also how often you want to trim it. Some hedge plants like photinia grow fast, but you'll need to trim often. Others like buxus are very slow growing so stay neat looking but take forever to fill out

dibble35, Mar 18, 6:13am
Hoheriasexytalosa (sp) reasonably slender for how tall they get, think 4M tall and 1.5 wide. Theres some nice smallish pittosporums, make sure you get the right ones as others can get huge. Pitto. mountain green, Pitto Stephens island, 3Mish tall, these suggestions are reasonably hardy, will survive most conditions but nothing to extreme. Corokias trim up well usually 1.2M, the odd one will get to 2M, lophomyrtus - bit of colour in the fancy ones

figjamto, Mar 18, 6:27am
Was also going to say pittosporums

iwithekiwi, Mar 18, 7:22am
Thank you so much :o)

Yes - this area does get frost in winter but very hot and dry in the summer.Our first season in this house (summer) and the garden soil seems to have retained the moisture really well.

ETA:No seaspray and do not mind a little top trimming but do not want to annoy the neighbours with the bush sprawling over their side if we can help it.-Cheers.

pandaeye, Mar 18, 9:37am

skyblue17, Apr 24, 3:44am
hoheria sexstylosa