Replacing Garage Building Consent?

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mrfxit, Feb 18, 11:56pm
AS above. any sound or solid foundation such as deep seated piles or a concrete block wall will in most cases be seen as suitable support for the amount of "lift up" of the current walls without any extra bracing.

The general builders trick in cases of this is to build a basic frame inside the shed, braced & strong enough support to jack up the entire shed off it's foundations/ build the new foundations of choice & lower the shed back down & tie it down.
Advantage is no need to touch /remove/ alter the walls or roof.
Disadvantage is cost & the need to empty the shed + a good length of dry windless weather.
A good team would have it done in about 2 or 3 days

thejazzpianoma, Feb 19, 8:23pm
Thanks mrfixit,

I have done some pricing on the concrete block walls (if only I was well enough to do that sort of thing myself!) and talked to the council.

The council as expected are not receptive to alterations of the shed without another full building consent with multiple inspections, and there are it sounds like they are expecting issues around the engineering and extra processing time.

I also looked into the price of a complete replacement building again, looking at about 18K by the time we removed the old concrete slab etc.

So, with that in mind I think I will just shelve it for the moment and make do as best I can. I thought about just doing it anyway but if the neighbors complain or we have an insurance issue its going to make further problems. Especially as I don't want to be on the Council's radar having bought a very old mortgagee house with some pre-existing non-complied stuff.

So, I think what I will do is wait a bit longer, if my health improves to the point where I can start earning a proper income again I can quickly put the cash aside to start from scratch.

Given the cost of replacement it's not going to be that much more to move some retaining walls etc and build a bigger shed while I am on the go. assuming I can get Mrs Jazz to give up a little bit of garden. that might take more convincing than any council.

Thanks everyone for your very in depth ideas and assistance. It really is appreciated, even though I won't go ahead at this stage it has been excellent to explore the options in case there was an affordable/legal solution.

Top work!

mrfxit, Feb 19, 11:33pm
No probs jazz.
Suggest you print this thread & save it in the 'shed plans' pouch

elect70, Feb 20, 4:16am
I am going to lift the whole garage up & put a row of concrete blocks under thebottom plate &f@#$% the council

thejazzpianoma, Feb 20, 9:32am
Thanks, and a great idea, will do just that.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 20, 9:34am
If it wasn't for having enough to deal with at the moment health wise I would join you and do just that. I am quite over being constantly stuck between a rock and a hard place thanks to inefficient government departments and over regulation.

Great to see you taking a stand. or at least your Garage taking a stand on your behalf!

thejazzpianoma, Feb 20, 9:36am
Thanks! Actually if you have a look on youtube, there is a guy doing very much that with his hoist and a 44 Gallon drum on each arm.

Can't remember whether he uses blocks or a sub-wall but the lift method is as suggested.

I had been considering this as well.

guest, Jun 2, 12:51pm
Calgary concerned whckao's UofC want spray particulate aluminum jets reflect sunlight. cloud seeding hail Calgary a very polluted area. 2/3rds oil promised tar sands environmental . Well done city council! 2010 corporate scam public funds Canada .

guest, Jun 5, 9:30pm
tY9grS cmkfpmtudass

guest, May 23, 2:18pm
Uv29WX ujrmaxkfskkc