Bottling fruit

tomatonut, Feb 20, 2:52am
For years I have always bottled beetroot, chutneys sauces etc and then sealed the lids by heating them in the oven fo 30 minutes at 160 degrees without issues.
This year I had an amazing pear crop which I cooked in a sugar and water concoction and then sealed them the same way.
Question : will they be OK done this way. .
They look good but all the websites say to do them in a pressure cooker or by boiling the jars in a huge pot which would take forever.
For what it's worth I bottled them in apple juice.
Thanks for any advice.

babyluthi, Feb 20, 4:26am
I bottled pears one year using sugar and water (I boiled them in it until desired softness) .They were fine even a year later.

tomatonut, Feb 20, 4:39am
Thanks Babyluthi,
I'm really more concerned with the practice of sealing them in the oven rather than in a water bath.

mark_g, Feb 20, 6:12am
Do you put the bottles/jars with fruit in, in the oven for 30 min! and with lids on! or lid on when they come out of the oven!

Did the lids pop down!

purplegoanna, Feb 20, 7:56am
ive neva used the bath method, i cook my fruit to the required texture wit water and a lil sugar (with pears i do halves or quarters with sugar and a piece of vanilla pod in each jar),i just hot soapy wash my jars and lids, heat the jars until dry in a 100' oven for about 5mins and the lids for just under a min until the plastic softens (not goes brown) then whip the hot fruit into a hot jar and replace the hot takes a few teatowels and stuff till u get a process going where you dont burd yourself but it works every year and the lids always pop down.

holmda, Feb 20, 7:59am
As long as the lids pop down they should be OK. I just put boiling water in the jars for a few minutes. When the pears were ready (always just cooked in water with no sugar), I quickly tipped out the boiling water, filled the jar to the brim with pears and cooking liquid and sealed it.
Lids would pop down as the jars cooled and I never had any problems.
Ideal for my babies as no added sugar.

gag5, Feb 20, 8:00am
This is the easiest method I reckon - hot fruit into clean hot jars with hot lids on straighaway - I pour boiling water onto lids rather than put in oven.
Pears done in a syrup worked beautifully.

cantabman1, Mar 18, 4:56pm
I have never cooked my fruit in the oven with seals on as I would be concerned the rubber on the seal might degrade. I have always dont mine on the stove top, with the seals and bandsin hot water for a few mins.
The jars are washed again, rinsed and placed in an oven for 30 odd mins on 130c, before being removed to cool a little and fill.
As a previous post has said, if the jars go down, you should almost always be ok.Good Luck.