Is it too early to plant carrots?

cb12, Feb 23, 5:54am
Am I being ambitious in Auckland!

mottly, Feb 23, 5:55am
nope, now is perfect :)Mine are in, so are some more radish's.yummo

cb12, Feb 23, 5:56am
Thanks! Got a spare garden plot and want to fill it.

mottly, Feb 23, 6:00am
got some peas cranking too!

honzee, Feb 23, 8:26am
In Auckland you can probably sow carrots all year round.

lythande1, Feb 23, 7:32pm
Actually, in Auckland, it is too hot in mid summer for some things.
We can grow most things all year.beans, corn, tomatoes, stick to summer.
Peas, radishes, spring onions, spring, autumn.
Peas can be grown winter too, they grow slow but they do grow.
Leeks, and so on, winter.
Carrots, sure, start your seed now.

cb12, Feb 23, 11:11pm
Thanks, I'll get sowing.

c.d.mckenzie, Feb 27, 1:35pm
i grow carrots in West Auckland all year, summer, and autum i grow them on the South side of house, winter, spring i grow on the north and west side of house, and i've not had any problems. happy gardening.

.jillybeen., Mar 28, 10:58am
What do you use to stop Carrot fly!