Banana Plant

texastwo, Mar 2, 11:45pm
Would like to grow one In the Hutt Valley.I guess they need a sheltered suny spot to get established with protection in the cold months but what sort of soil and fertisliser do they need. We have a friend who grows them OK in this area but she doesnt make any special arrangements. Seems once they are well established they grow OK.

sultana0, Mar 3, 1:43am
I'd like to grow some too. I might do what your friend does (haha) .nothing special. But semi seriously, the ones that grow best are in a humid environment ie glass house at Esplanade PNth and New Plym that I've seen. Maybe emulate the soil condition of the Islands (light and loamy) I'm not sure about feeding them but they have big leaves that probably photosynthesis their food. Maybe look up orchid or fern type conditions to see the simarlarities. good luck. Where did you or are you going to get the banana plant!

budgel, Mar 3, 6:37am
Bananas are gross feeders, give them lots of compost and keep them inmoist ground away from frosts.

kaiser2, Mar 3, 10:23am
Banana palms grow well here in Reefton, I think it is the fact that we are almost wind-free here that allows them to grow so well.Mine dies down with the winter frosts but comes back bigger and stronger than ever each spring.Soils here tend to be acidic and rhododendrons, camelias, and the like also thrive.

secretmissy1, Apr 3, 2:42pm
I am living 5mins behind shannon west of Palmy up in the hills and have 3 ensete venticulosum larger variety type and they are growing huge in clay soil I just added compost and growtabs and kept watered.They do resent wind (the leaves become shredded and tatty) but if you are fine with that