Could someone please what order or how do I go about putting a photo from "pictures" to this site so I may be able to find out what it is , Thanks.
Nov 19, 12:01pm
go to the page where the photo is andcopy and paste the web address.
Nov 20, 1:15am
Thanks for your help have tried to do it , seems I'm a little dumb, can't get it to transfer photo.
Nov 20, 1:33am
if you mean on how to get a photo linked into here: go to 'my photos - follow instructions & download a photo into that section of trademe - open the downloaded photo [some people find it easier to have 2x trademe windows open] & hightlight the trademe link in the address bar [control 'c' copies & control 'v' puts the link where you want it]. any problems - just ask, as we are all here to help each other
Nov 21, 12:15am
bella-donnalillyihavepink andwhite
Nov 21, 1:39am
Keep in touch with the new people in the house you had them.Chances are a few rogue bits of root/bulb will be left behind or will sprout from the dump heap in a year or two.
Nov 21, 1:52am
Nice - what have the new owners replaced it with - surely nothing so beautiful!
Nov 21, 2:46am
good idea & will check. not sure what she replaced it with - house was for sale on here a while ago. I was sooo busy getting rid of 25yrs of 'stuff' I forgot to get cuttings of plants I liked - one minute I had plenty of time - then I didn't.
Nov 21, 2:51am
Belladonnas flower before the foliage,that's why they are also called naked ladies, and don't grow so tall in my neck of the woods either!
seems there are many varients of the belladonna lilly/s. is yours the naked lady variety - or the un-naked lady type. if the un-naked type, when can I get a cutting/division & what bribes will you accept
Nov 21, 2:58am
the lilly that is pictured - isn't a naked lady type & reading wikipedia told me there are lots of cross-bred varients - some accepted & some not.
Nov 21, 3:00am
OkI have to revise my view above- they ARE crinum lilies- scroll down-
which means my lilies, which I have always believed to be crinums-are not. Now I have to go find what they are! lol
Nov 21, 3:04am
nomineareasherpictureHaveabigclumptheykeepthegreenleaveswithlargepinkflowers4or5singlesat the topoflargestemNakedladytypeflowerleavesdieoffleavingjustthe stemandflowerdonthavethem
Nov 21, 3:12am
Naked lady lilies do not have flowers and leaves visible at the same time. The leaves come and go at a different time of year from the flowers. The OPs photo shows leaves and flowers together so cannot be naked ladies. Look at the links I posted- particularly the second one in#40.
My apologies to hare at #13-you were right.
Nov 21, 3:16am
I agree. You have sorted it.
Nov 21, 3:17am
I must say they are lovely what ever they are, such a nice shade of pink. Mine when the flowers come out the leaves go, the bulbs also sit on top of the ground. Also I found out (Ithink) the name of the plant I have it has never had a flower on it, told maybe it could takefive years, well I have had these over four. Name: Dracanenafrafrans.
Nov 14, 2:07am
yes thank you all for helping me in my search.not exactly sure if my one is the crinum cecil houdyshel or the darker powellii roseum! will try to source both.
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