Lily Of The Valley

mizp, Jan 18, 4:20am
Iwould love some Lily of the valley, lost mine in the aftermath of the Chch EQs so if anyone has some they want to pass on I would love it please. I have a whole front and back garden to replant and not much cash following the repairs so it's going to take a while. I can swap for a really good home made chocolate cake ;-)

amph981, Jan 18, 6:23pm
Have also tried to grow Lily of the Valley over the years with no luck,Bought a lovely big bundle off here planted in a tub under plum tree not doing much, hope they take off though.

miffycat1, Jan 19, 12:03am
I have some you can have. If you can give me your contact number, we are red zone & moving house

mizp, Jan 19, 5:30pm
Thank you miffycat1, I have made a 50c jellybean auction so that we can swap details legally. kind regards Paulette

mizp, Jan 20, 12:07am
P.S. you don't have to pay for the jellybean ;-)

miffycat1, Jan 20, 11:18pm
Sorry i was not back on the computer till now so listing expired.
Could you set up another with not closing till tomorrow evening would be great.

wessex, Oct 25, 5:03am
I have managed to grow a healthy bed of Lily of The Valley. It has taken 30 years to achieve this ! Lots of leaves but only three or four of the plants actually flowered very disappointing. Any advice gurus please

maclad, Oct 25, 11:35am
Too much nitrogen will produce leaf rather then flowers

babyluthi, Oct 25, 11:54am

wheelz, Oct 25, 1:15pm
I have a huge bed in full flower, I never feed it and every year it is massed in flowers. Receives only a couple of early morning sunlight hours. Maybe you are giving yours to much' loving care' !

junie2, Oct 25, 5:34pm
Like wheelz - mine is not looked after but has become a pest, spreading all over the place, even under paths. In Chch.

wessex, Oct 25, 5:53pm
I'll try the potash thanks. Very jealous of all your flowers wheelz.

antoniab, Oct 25, 6:36pm
My Mum has tried for ages to but to no avail - think it is too warm up here! (BOP)

mkbooks, Oct 26, 12:01am
It likes shade, they grew from a narrow bed beside the house UNDER the house at friend's place, in P Nth

harrislucinda, Oct 26, 4:01am
mineunderatreeNeverbeenfeedorwateredfullof flowers

wessex, Oct 26, 4:19am
I think I just have a curse on me when it comes to this plant. My mother had wonderful beds of it at home in the UK and I also grew it there successfully. I thought I had struck gold when I saw how well it was growing but so few flowers. Its in the shade its under a wall and I haven't fed it anything just treated it as I used to. Depressing !

ro42, Oct 26, 4:38am
Don't give up - mine is only just beginning to flower!

emerald9, Oct 28, 11:33am
Where in Auckland can you get lily of the valley seedlings and or bulbs as I'd like to give them a try!

anne1955, Oct 28, 12:22pm
Hi people funny I have never had any luck growing it and love it.a neighbour has mass's growing mine just won't also can't grow helaboras (sp) I use to grow orchids was one of the first saffron growers and normally ok with anything but lilly of the valley and halaboreas hate me haha