that photo was taken early Dec & everything else was flowering & it wasn't. but it didn't flower in winter cause it's Oxford & the snow from roof used to squash them down until thaw. foliage didn't die down when flowered & I think the flower was similar to this artificial one [but more plain] 533831922 - thing is, I lived in the house for over 20yrs & always regretted not taking some with me.
Nov 16, 3:27pm
There is someone selling them in Chch - 533789513. I'm only telling you because they are pick-up only, otherwise I'd be bidding!
Nov 16, 3:28pm
wasn't naked lady - the flowers weren't bunched at the top & I think there could have been 5 spread out on the last 20cm of the very thick green stem.
Nov 16, 4:05pm
Was it a day lily! Hemerocallis! That would fit your description.
foilage wrong, too light a stem & flowers lasted a while. all suggestions welcome - cause am googling each one.
Nov 16, 6:37pm
triedto grow some of these once. sorry no.
Nov 16, 6:39pm
Pink Crinum !
Nov 16, 6:42pm
So: thick stem, plant and leaves like agapanthus, flowers like the Christmas Lilies. Did the flowers stand well above the leaves or in among them!
Nov 16, 6:42pm
too light & frilly - if you look a the picture of the house - its all the green behind the open french door & under the big window to right & the flowers stick up above them - stem would be almost same size as large well established agapanthas in height & girth.
Grows alot bigger than a naked lady ect.The ones I have had growing for years came of a old farm and they have a lovely perfume, on very long stems .There are white and pink ones. Mainly grown in Nz are Moorei, or powelli.Flowering around summertime. They can have huge bulbs.
Nov 16, 7:06pm
these didn't have bulbs, but sort of clumped root system - was a mission to get them out from between concrete pathway & house foundation so to be able to spread them around the place.
Nov 16, 8:46pm
Blimey. OK, a couple more questions. Was it scented! And when did it bloom!
Nov 16, 9:02pm
Crinums are annuals, they die right back. The foliage in your photos looks too strappy to be crinums. And mine grow far taller than in your photo.
not the first link - computer is having a slow nite & I'm tired after splitting wood - have now done 3/4 of the tree & just a little bit to go - is a 30yr old Muricata pine & they have the most hideous stabby little pine cones - have spikes
Nov 17, 4:42am
don't remember it being scented. will try to dig out photo albums out of the container to see if I've got any real type photo's.
Nov 17, 2:03pm
not crinums then - foliage didn't really die back. & sometimes they would be under a 1/2 metre of packed snow/ice from the roof.
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