Anybody built a consented garage lately that would know costs. is 9x7m 2.7 stud, stand alone on 40cm slope over the 9m, coloursteel roof/some clearlights, two windows one 6m car door, one std door, unlined, concrete floor,basic electric, want weatherboard so it matches house - i know totalspan is cheaper.
Feb 22, 3:06am
in auckland/papakura
Feb 22, 5:43pm
The only difference between a coloursteelgarage is the cladding and finishing lines e,g facings and scribers so you could get say a cheap skyline or versitile kitset less the coloursteel and clad in timber ,you should be able to do for a lot less than 30k
Feb 22, 7:15pm
You can buy a weatherboard Granny flat for $30,000, wo I imagine a garage would cost less than that.
Feb 22, 7:28pm
We just finished something very similar for $21,000 electric garage door etc so id say you'd get something finished for way less than $30,000
Feb 22, 8:18pm
Agree should get a very good garage for $30k we are in the process of erecting a 6m X 6m garage and what a hassle the red tape is, concrete footings 700X700 X6 of them and a couple smaller for the posts and steel brackets 6.4m of concrete, using colour steel two roller doors.
Feb 22, 11:25pm
You may not get it for 30k. 7 x 9 with 2.7m stud is a lot larger than the standard 6 x 6 in both floor area and wall area. First to check though would be the district plan to see if you comply, looking mainly at yard setbacks, overshadowing, site coverage and vehicle manuveoring. Otherwise a Resource Consent will be required = $$$$ Next problem is that a 9m long space without 1 wall at right angles, excluding the exterior walls, falls outside the building standard not requiring specfic design and would require a Chartered Engineer to design some or all of the bracing. Next is the weatherboard. I haven't done any pricing for a while, but a QS book I have suggests $105 a sq (installed and painted) for 150 x 25 Pine FJ PP bevel back weatherboard which feels a little high but gives you an idea. Prefinished coloursteel is a lot cheaper. While getting a kitset building less the cladding is a good idea, it may not be possible as these outifts have deals with their suppliers that they will buy so much product each month / year and have to make each sale count. You may be able to on sell the coloursteel cladding to offset the cost.
Feb 22, 11:26pm
Where can you get a granny flat for that! I'd be pretty interested in getting hold of one.
Feb 23, 1:16pm
AArrhhh she's a sad world when a half decent carshed set's ya back $30K & a 2 bedroom on a concrete floor with 2M of lawn around the "house"sets ya back another $320K +
it's 1 of those "sad but true" situations.
Feb 23, 1:21pm
It's all getting pretty insane. Owned my house for 22 years Over 2 blocks of time . 1st 12 years, rates went from $750pa to $980pa 2nd 10 years, rates gone from $980pa to $1950pa
Feb 23, 10:53pm
Feb 24, 7:29pm
You ain't see nuthin' yet. Sad for all rate payers. People working in council have lifestyles to maintain. If you life in the Auckland Council areas where land values were used for rating, the rates increases are limited to 10% a year for three years. And then, no cap to increases so that it is fair to all rate payers across the supercity. What a load crap! What is the JK govt doing about it! These increases is also good for govt as there is a high take for GST for increase rates. It's every person for himself/herself, mate you have to suck in the increases as a man/woman. Our rates on North Shore, over 25 years. From $500 plus to $2000.
We crossleased so it's only half section. We now pay waste water separately which was included in the rates (another $750). We had daily rubbish collection in the 1980s, now we pay $2.00+ a bag once a week collection. We have to pay for property searches. In the meantime the mayor had a fat pay rise from $80k to what $240k plus. This the price for living an a peaceful, beautiful, green city of Auckland. Rather than complaining I suck it up and work as a Auckland Council volunteer so that if more of us did that the rates might not go up so much. Haha!
Feb 24, 7:52pm
Yea I was going through a box of old papers when I found a few rates invoices from back then. To make it worse, they separated the enviro rates at about 5 or 6 years ago & we pay that separately at about another $200 on top now
Feb 24, 10:01pm
for 63 sq M its gunna cost you all of your $30000- may get close if done by garage company BUT picking private builder will be over $30000 as we had a 8.6 x 8.6 M ( 74 sq) built with only one BIG door and all as you say and was near $30000 all up a wee while back.
Feb 24, 10:19pm
30k Thats $28500 more then my 4.2m x 6.4M x 3m H cost me 22 years ago. Tho to be fair it was a s/h shed that got widened & liftedas we put it together, my idea & fully CC/ permits etc
My oh my how times change. I also had a large 3 bedroom house fully rewired for $1900 (original old switches used)
Would be looking at something like $25000 for the same work now.
Feb 27, 2:06am
who did it and where are you!
Feb 27, 2:32pm
They are in Lumsden Southland.
Mar 1, 5:25am
I built my brothers Versatile 6 years ago, 6x10, no change from 20K. Did you notice that a loaf of bread at the supermarket can go for $4.50 now easily.
Mar 5, 3:12am
Have found a company called quins, they will do me a kitset for a 9x7.2 3m stud ex cladding ( can supply my own weatherboards) inc plans for $9400, just need to pay for slab - 6k!/council ~1.8k /soak pit ~1k/builder for 2weeks. ~4k /weather boards ~4k,basic electrical ~1.5k Total $~28k: anything im missing/under estimating! I will paint.
Mar 5, 11:31am
$25k to rewire a house!
Mar 5, 1:22pm
Even though your council says they are ONLY increasing the rates by3%remember thats 3% of LAST years Rates and next year it will probably be another 3% of THIS years Rates.Its a very misleading way of getting across Rates increases, time the media told the true story instead of reporting Council news releases aboutmisleading percentage increases.
Mar 5, 1:24pm
1K builder for2 weeks!Thats only $100 a day - its hard to find qualified builders for that money
Mar 5, 2:21pm
Yeah . times everything by 25%. Nothing ever goes to plan if you are talking about building and relying on someone other than yourself. I wouldn't believe half of the peeps on here about they got this built for this and that built for that . its the little things that will add up and get you . the $103.00 to Bunnings for the 100mm long Tech Screws . the $48.00 (or whatever) for the extra bit of Strap Bracing you need because the old one was a meter too short. It all adds up. There are sheds on this block bigger than houses and I know how much each one cost and have a ball park (because i never kept detailed costings - but I am the one that paid the bills so know) idea on what the 'extras' cost on top of the basic construction ie. 3Ph wiring, sewer, water provision etc. And as a rule of thumb for you - whatever a kitset costs - double it to get it up for starters. Nothing is cheap nowdays.
Mar 5, 2:26pm
One of mine is a builder . he wouldn't be doing any shed building for that sorta money - you might get a hammerhand though.
Mar 7, 12:00am
Maybe he only does 2 hrs a day
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