Painting cedar weatherboard

cwag, Jun 18, 7:57am
I need to paint a small area of cedar cladding. I know from doing this once before that the cedar bled through normal undercoat primer and discoloured the final white topcoat.

This new job will be painted a dark colour so any bleed through won't be such an issue. What suggestions for the best painting process?

budgel, Jun 18, 4:30pm
Use an exterior paint that is self priming like timbacryl or solargard.
My cedar weatherboards that had originally been oiled were painted with timbacryl after a good wash down, and lasted well for the best part of 20 years before I repainted them.

payntr, Oct 29, 6:01am
use an oilbased primer or exterior pigmented sealer for your first coat then 2 coats of exterior gloss/semigloss acrylic.dulux has an interior / exterior pigmented sealer,cedar has a natural oil in the timber ,so an oil based primer/sealer stops the bleed through.