Are all feijoa's equal?

susievb, Mar 11, 1:23am
I'm after a feijoa but have heard there are fruiting sorts, and ones more for hedging. I have heard that while self fertilizing, it is better to have 2 for cross pollination.
I am hoping to find a dwarf sort as I have limited space.

dibble35, Mar 11, 2:24am
Dont know about the dwarfing sort. never heard of one, but as for the rest, buy a named variety such as Triumph, Apollo, gemini, unique etc. The hedging ones are just sold as Feijoa sellowiana. Yes some are quite happy grown on their own and dont need a pollinator, however you will get bigger and morefruit planting 2. I'm succesfully keeping mine pruned to about 2m tall and 1-1.5m wide. The Feijoa uniqueI planted last year doesnt seem to be as vigorous growing as the others so that might be an option for limited space

honzee, Mar 11, 3:04am
Bambino/bambina is a new dwarf feijoa, not sure about if it needs a pollinator. Have a look at the incredible edibles website

venna2, Mar 11, 4:18am
I have Tagans and they're great - get Tagan 1 and Tagan 2 for cross-pollination.

sunnysue1, Mar 11, 4:54pm
I only have 1 feijoa and it is huge. Very little fruit for 1st couple of years then threatened with the saw and away it went. Fruit is the size of large pears and plenty for the whole neighbourhood. There do not appear to be any others nearby for pollination. Now 8 yrs old and will be halved in size when fruiting finishes this year.I hope it lives on! I only wish I knew its name but was a half price throw out at the nursery.

racheal77, Mar 12, 1:24am
mammoth has large fruit, not a dwarf tree however

wheelz, Apr 13, 10:42am
Whatever the height, they are very prunable. And even seem to thrive on it, I pruned mine last year to just a few trunks, it has flourished. So easy to keep to size, just prune after fruiting each season.