Tomato plants leaves shrivelled

jaez1, Feb 1, 1:17am
All of my tomato plants leaves are shrivelled up (as is my neighbours.)
It happened almost as soon as we bought them from the garden shop.They have good strong stems and leaves apart from that, and are growing good tomatoes.The garden shop does not know what the problem is.
I heard that there was a nation- wide problem similar to this, and it was some kind of virus! I live in Invercargill.
Can ppl please tell me what they know about this! Thanks kindly.

korbo, Feb 1, 9:28pm
yep, lots of ours shivelled up and went brown, but still producing.

davidt4, Feb 1, 10:34pm
Ours have all come down with mildew, which causes browning and shrivelling.The fruit is okay but not as abundant as it should be.

courtney2004, Feb 2, 12:48am
The heat is what is doing mine in. I had planted them in pots so have moved some of them to the most shady space in the garden and they are now doing well. I purchased water crystals from The Seed Warehouse online and had repotted my tomato plants up with them in the mix and i notice they are doing better than the 2 that missed it!

lythande1, Feb 2, 12:38pm
Shrivelled in what way! Browned and died off, curly leaves! What exactly!

tlharrex, Feb 2, 1:17pm
It is a nation wide problem, it also effects potatos. It is a virus transmitted by a bug resulting in loss of vigor amongst other things. Unfortuneately there is nothing you can do once your plants have it, google tomato potato psylid for more information.

tarawera99, Feb 2, 1:31pm
This had been happening with mine this year too. Just with new leaves

macandrosie, Feb 2, 2:16pm
Does this problem remain in your soil! I've had it 2 years in arow in my tunnelhouse. Replaced the soil last year though & it's happened this year. Wondered ifit was too hot in my tunnel house. I keep both doors & roof vents open & give a good soaking when I water.

lythande1, Feb 20, 9:19pm
If you are all talking about Psyllid bug, then it doesn't shrivel anything. It makes the leaves curl, it doesn't make them brown, yellow or dead even.
Spraying with Maverik cures them, we had it on 2 plants early on, sprayed once a week for 3 weeks, it went, never came back and plants show no sign of damage at all now.