Hanging tomato plants in auckland

sun-flower, Feb 2, 2:58pm
I've grown two fantastic hanging tomato plants this summer but I'd like to plant another one for a later crop. Only problem is I can't find a plant at any of the local garden centres. Has any body seen any recently please!

steptoesnr, Feb 2, 3:15pm
They are not special! Any plant will do.

sun-flower, Feb 2, 3:18pm
Except I want a plant with lots of branches rather than one main central leader. Thanks for your reply:-)

patxyz, Feb 2, 3:19pm
Take a cutting.

steptoesnr, Feb 2, 4:49pm
If you want lots of branches don't cut off the laterals (branches).

beth39, Feb 2, 5:43pm
Yes just plant it and water and feedit dont remove any of the green growth . Will bush up a treat.

1rad8, Feb 3, 6:01am
What did you use for the soil and fertiliser etc!I tried growing two hanging tomato plants but they didn't look too healthy once they started fruiting.

sun-flower, Feb 6, 6:30am
Just normal potting mix and once it started flowering liquid tomato food a couple of times a week

guest, Jun 2, 10:43am
Hi Nick, this season again I have grown most of my fovturiae varieties and so far all are really healthy and looking great. I have really good flowering and fruit set, however I always grow two plants of Hillbilly, not a particularly useful fruit but for the last two years has given me the heaviest tomato at our local show. However this year for some reason both plants look perfect, both about three feet plus, one has three trusses with fruit setting on the first truss, the second plant looks spot on, strong, really good healthy foliage, first truss was just one green bud that didn't have a flower in the centre, second truss is three buds with no centres, and has now grown on with no sign of a third truss at all. The plant seems to be blind'. Any ideas. Regards Bob.

guest, May 24, 6:53am
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