Tomato plants

yuuhoo, Nov 24, 9:52pm
How big should tomato plants be now. I'm growing black krim. Would they need to have fruit on them already! I'm in Otago

aeromo, Nov 24, 10:04pm
It is a bit early, starting to flower maybe

kateley, Nov 24, 10:17pm
I generally don't plant tomatoes until any chance of frost is past, and they take between 2 and 3 months to have pickable fruit, depending on the variety.
Cant imagine you've been warm enough in Otago for the last few months to be expecting fruit just yet.

cantabman1, Nov 25, 1:31pm
Just keep watering in the mornings, but not too much and watch the growth. the flowers and fruit will come in time but toms need a temperature of 21-25 degs to really produce well, so look out for warmer weather.

velenski, Nov 25, 2:05pm
mine are starting to fruit in invercargill :)

puresteam, Nov 23, 2:14am
I have big fruit on my black krim but hasn't started to colour as yet.