COUNTRY GARDEN ideas please?

bev00, Jan 26, 1:03pm
love the country look - mine is wild

agens, Jan 26, 8:04pm
Just remember no garden looks after itself.Work out how much you want to maintain, how much time you have.You will have successes and failures so be prepared for redoing/replanting/rethinking.-
Plants come into their own at different times so there is always something new happening. Enjoy.

busy.mum, Jan 26, 8:27pm
Hubby wants to put some flowers in and i LOVE the country garden look, any ideas on what to put in it!

stompy, Jan 26, 8:53pm
You could go with a colour theme, say lots of pink roses( there are ao many pinks around)Carpet rpses are great value. Then do lots of say pink and white perrenials,pink flaxes are nice colour all year round.

ruby2shoes, Jan 26, 8:58pm
roses, forget-me-not, viscara, mignonette, rudbeckia, penstamon, hebe, shasta daisy, marguarite daisy, pansy, rosemary, sage, echium, euphorbia.

stevee6, Jan 26, 9:06pm
Start with trees - both fruiting and ornamental, to anchor the garden and give it structure. Then you can go to town with the beauties, remembering to plant for autumn and winter as well as spring(easy) and summer(still easy).

earsd, Jan 26, 9:28pm
while your waiting for plants to grow sow some wildflowers and annuals to fill in the gaps :) dont forget some bulbs for seasonal interest

howgoodisit, Jan 26, 10:27pm
Put in things you can eat. waist of time growing stuff you cant eat IMO.

jag5, Jan 27, 12:06am
Grannies bonnets, penstemmons, foxgloves, holly hocks, petunias, roses, many cottage garden looks.and as said, think think ahead, otherwise you will end up with everything flowering in one season, and bare the rest.

pandaeye, Jan 27, 5:35am
Google cottage garden, should give you some ideas.

jbsouthland, Jan 27, 6:04am
lavenders,seaside daisy ,foxgloves ,goats rue , monkshood,delphiniums, rosesbush and standard, cosmos , phlox ,bulbs ,some low hedgingand topairy for structure and in winter for looks .love designing gardens.

bluefrog2, Jan 27, 8:28am
I love annual wildflowers for a cottage garden look.Best to sow from seed, although it's a little late in the year.Get a cottage garden mix, or try strawflowers, cosmos, poppies and other tall annuals together.Cluster short flowers marigolds, pansies, allysium, etc in separate beds - or the tall flowers will smother them.At the end of the season, chop everything down, and hoe into the soil.

EDIT: Bees love them too.

mkbooks, Feb 10, 12:55am
Decide on the shape of the garden-use a hose to get it looking "right" to you.Get some books on garden design from the library + photocopy the look that you love. There is a great garden designer Rosemary Versey-her books are in most libraries-+ she specialises in the "country-look" Concentrate on foliage plants-hostas-euphorbias-ferns-
-yellow pokers-fuchsias(cuttings)- Chatham Is forget-me-nots +reinga lilies- use them as permanent colour + shape for your garden while the shrubby things grow. A lot of these flower-count the flowers as a bonus whil;e the leafy things fill the spaces for you. Put a few ponga logs in, they'll sprout if kept watered-get a bit of trellis in + have climbing roses-sweetpeas-wisteria-Chine-
se jasmine-old fashioned asparagus fern
Make a list of the trees that you want -buy as you can
afford from school galas etc. Beg cuttings from friends/rellies-I have grown a snowball tree-lots of hydrangeas-many perennials-canna lilies from cuttings
Buy perennials rather than annuals-they are permanent +usually easy care. There are some great nurserymen on TMe who sell perennials-hham is great -they have lots of really good stuff like delphiniums-cosmos-lavenders-s-
hasta daisies-oriental poppies-heaps of stuff-have a look under one of these plants + you'll find the site
Have fun