Painting a 1940's Brick House

loadmaster2, Jan 22, 7:29pm
I am busy scrapping and sanding back the old paint on a 1940's brick house at the moment and would like to know how how much undercoat I should buy before I apply a topcoat. I am doing ALL the wood that the house has. Eves, facial, windows, lentils and foundation, even the concrete fence.
Before you say 'You dont need any undercoat", believe me when I say it does!

zak410, Jan 22, 7:54pm
I would get 10L to start.
I like the idea of painting lentils, hope they still taste ok afterwards.;)

loadmaster2, Jan 22, 9:09pm
Ok, is there anything I shouldbe wary of after I have done the hard yard by scrapping and sanding. Like should I now wash it all down with sugarsoap before I begin painting!
Any tricks of the trade would be very much appreciatted(sp).
P.S. Heck this is hard work on a hot day. The sweat is just pouring out of me.and I used to be a baker,lol

zak410, Jan 22, 9:32pm
after sanding, just dust it off well before painting.

don735, Jan 24, 3:19am
Andy,ring resene get the rep around and the rep with do a spec for you.Dont wast your time by putting a undercoat on and then blazing away with the finish coats.You need to get the first coat right no matter what others say on this mb this is a must.before you paint your home all surfaces will need to be wash down with a moss and mould cleaner eg bleach with a touch of sugar soap any more questions only to happy to help out

loadmaster2, Jan 24, 4:18pm
Thanks don735. will do

guest, Oct 9, 9:15am
Now THAT'S my notion of how to certae work on music in one room, a painting the next.Man, that's terrific. I can't tie shoelaces and chew gum at the same time and here you are trying to master two different disciplines.Well, good luck to you. If you try for three (making films, writing a ground-breaking novel), the rest of your fellows artists are going to get together and break your thumbs.Seriously, good luck to you in ALL your endeavors.

guest, Oct 11, 3:22am
I find this space interesting, bueacse it has virtually no art or color but is still beautiful. Here I have lots of white walls (brick and drywall) and I am busy filling them up with lots of color. No regrets going my way, but I like to see how others deal with white brick.

guest, May 29, 2:18pm
We had some white painted brick in our old house and I loved the teurxte it brought. The brick in it's original state was an ugly 'old make-up' color and it was the long skinny type much better painted! xo J~