Lilies: a beginner's question

daleaway, Jan 15, 4:53am
This is the first year I have grown lilies. They look gorgeous at the moment.
If I pick some for a vase, will that plant bloom next year!
Do lilies benefit from lifting, or can the bulbs be left in the ground!

stevee6, Jan 15, 5:01am
Pick them by all means, just make sure you leave some leaves on the plant as the bulb takes in nutrients through the leaves to feed it for the next blooming season(a good compost or fertiliser makes sense at this time of year). You can lift or leave - depends what you're planning for that piece of ground next.

wheelz, Jan 15, 11:18am
Lilies are best left in the ground, different to spring bulbs !

dlegg, Jan 15, 8:09pm
Make sure that they have very good drainage

nonumbers, Jan 15, 9:31pm
The pollen is poisonous for cats if they lick it off their coat.

jag5, Jan 15, 11:07pm
What many of them.can up put up a pic!

daleaway, Jan 23, 6:18pm
Thank you all. I may pick some then.

Some are very tall pink ones, both singles and doubles, and some are shorter Asiatic ones of various colours.

(I also have a lot of Christmas lilies that look after themselves - I do nothing and get heaps of them each year. They are what got me into branching out into other types of lilies which seem to love this spot.)