Help? Can you identify this plant please?

spiritofgonzo, Jan 18, 9:05pm
It looks like a ngaio.Myoporum laetum.

mooncake1, Jan 18, 9:13pm
Thanks! I'll look that up :-)

mooncake1, Jan 18, 9:19pm
Eeek, I think you're right! They grow into huge trees!

spiritofgonzo, Jan 18, 10:26pm
well, they're large shrubs or small trees - huge trees might be a stretch.You can trim them . but there are better alternatives if you want a smaller shrub.

mooncake1, Jan 18, 11:18pm
Yeah it was a surprise shrub that popped up in the front garden - and not in the ideal spot. I'm afraid it might have to go. Thanks heaps for your great gardening eye and knowledge.

daleaway, Jan 27, 2:59pm
Wash hands well after handling ngaios - sap and leaves contain toxins.