Cucumber and tomato?

black-dahlia, Jan 5, 12:51am
I'vegot heaps of tomatoes but none are ripening and some have been there for ages, any idea why! and cucumbers and courgettes were planted at the same time Ive had heaps of courgettes ready but no cucumbers

helianthus, Jan 5, 1:03am
1) Suggest it is too soon for the tomatoes ( none of mine are ripening yet).
2) My cucumbers and courgettes were also planted at the same time - lots of courgettes but no cucumbers yet - be patient.

oh_hunnihunni, Jan 5, 1:13am
Only just started picking my tomatoes, had one cuke but zucchini nearly over.

jules., Jan 5, 1:27am
My toms are just starting to ripen (we are in Whangarei).
We have had LOADS of zucs and the cucs are just starting to form from the flowers.

black-dahlia, Jan 5, 1:34am
Oh well thats good then, I'm just being impatient lol

grifforama, Jan 5, 1:45am
Way early.We are in Melbourne and just had our first tomato the other day

jules., Jan 6, 2:38am
I went out today to give mine a water and I had 3 lovely big ripe ones waiting for me, mmmmmmmmmm!

edenrose, Jan 6, 3:04am
I got fed up seeing loads of green tomatoes and picked a couple of bunches, they ripened beautifully in my fruit bowl, on the (sunny) bench.

canz, Jan 6, 3:55am
Yep all tomatoes you buy on shops are picked when very green

lythande1, Jan 6, 12:49pm
It is better to let tomatoes ripen on the plant. They have better flavour.patience people, they'll get thing you'll have a surplus.

edenrose, Jan 25, 10:54am
The birds have now found the tomatoes as soon as they start to show colour.Darn!