Runner beans question

cantabman1, Jan 1, 3:20pm
Not me, I just wind the lateral around the top wire along the line to stop it climbing into other trees, or over fences. I have noticed that if the top lateral is broken off earlier on when its growing, it will shoot out another one or two to replace itself, but if its broken off near or at the top of the fence, it is most unlikely that you will get any more off shoots producing beans.

gardie, Jan 2, 2:41am
I've tried both ways - removing and not removing.Was every so slightly tidier when nipped but the difference was negligible and therefore not worth the effort.

jmin, Dec 29, 6:02pm
Are you meant to nip off the top of runner beans when they get as high as you need them to be!

loganjohnnz, Dec 29, 6:52pm
I do

helianthus, Dec 29, 7:09pm
I never bother.

lythande1, Dec 29, 10:28pm
If you want to limit the height then do so.

robke, Oct 17, 11:01am
They probably will send out more laterals from just below where you nip them off