Ideas - covering ground between raised garden beds

waleedwahsh, Dec 28, 9:00am
We have an area of our garden which is raised garden beds - three short straight ones and a large L shaped one - so the spaces between them are all straight, a total of around 10 square metres. We are wanting to cover the ground in between the beds, which are currently just weedy with bit of gravel. We want the best looking, cheapest and easiest solution (if there is such a thing!). Should we cover with gravel, bark, bricks etc! Is there anything we should steer well clear of!
Thanks for any ideas or hints!

edenrose, Dec 28, 9:38am
What about shell over a weed mat!We are doing that.Shells are often free!

lilyfield, Dec 28, 9:46am
I put a thick layer of shredded bark mulch on mine. A bit of weedkiller once in a while keeps it tidy

lozzaqtn, Dec 28, 10:47am
That is difficult to walk on

gyrogearloose, Dec 28, 10:51am
I've got one section of garden where I'm using the plastic woven weedmat (not the softer felt, this is plastic) and I've folded the edges under and pinned it with the metal clips. It's lasted for 5 or 6 years already with no issues other than some fraying at the ends where I hadn't folded the ends under and the edge was exposed and has frayed a strand or three.

I take the yard brush out and sweep it - any potting mix or leaves just get swept up and gone, It's not slippery, the only blemishes are paint drops from repainting the house, and the cost of the weedmat and clips was negligible.

sonja2, Dec 28, 10:55am
I have bark peelings in a similar area between raised vege garden beds-it is easily raked for a quick tidy up, and any dropped soil disappears into the mix. It is OK for kneeling on too, which is a bonus.

yorkie13, Dec 28, 1:28pm
we put a sheet of black plastic down and then pebbles from the garden centre. stones cut ya feet when barefoot.

gardie, Dec 28, 5:17pm
This is also a dilemma for me.Currently, grass grows between and I whipper snipper it short.I like that I can chuck a weed or two there and no one knows but I'd love it to look neat and tidy too.I shall watch this thread with interest(nothing has taken my fancy so far).

love.a.bargain, Dec 28, 7:16pm
I have dirt and spray with weed sprayer from time to time and its easy.

wendalls, Dec 28, 7:43pm
Pebbles here. Done by previous owner.

spiritofgonzo, Dec 29, 3:34am
If you go for pebbles (I would, and have done), then DON'T put weedmat.I have a small hand bottle of roundup that I get any weeds coming up, takes 2 minutes once a month or two, and it's easy to maintain.It also means you can pull your veges out and sit them on the pebbles, and then just hose the dirt through to the bottom.If you have weedmat, you'll just inevitably end up with a layer of dirt on top, below the pebbles which grows weeds anyway.Also, you may want to rake the pebbles, and weedmat gets caught, and looks a mess.

enpointe, Dec 29, 3:47am
We have weedmat and pebbles and I agree with sprifitofgonzo.Just do straight pebbles (but deep) and rake occasionally to keep the weeds at bay.

oh_hunnihunni, Dec 29, 4:00am

craoker, Dec 29, 9:23am
camomille (spelling) lawn is great just multi plant you can walk on it gives off alovely smell,

captaingraham, Dec 29, 6:36pm
+1quick, easy and cheap

steptoesnr, Dec 29, 9:03pm
A lawn!

maclad, Dec 30, 6:45am
Camomille or thyme would both work as would old carpet, this is very effective but in time will rot away or if you could find some secondhand artifical turf that would work well.

fpress, Dec 30, 9:37am
Pave it with large pavers.

dms01, Dec 30, 12:48pm
Pebbles rule if you have cats. Bark etc = kitty toilet. Also, pebbles aren't going to break down over time

gag5, Dec 30, 3:49pm
I`m going to use old carpet as we have it already. Needs to be something easy to push wheelbarrow along - not sure about bark or pebbles for that!

illusion_, Dec 30, 9:31pm
Do it once . do it right.


junie2, Jan 6, 1:09pm
Black plastic, covered by old carpet, topped with sawdust. Looks OK even when it ages.I still get the odd weed around the edges, but few enough to just pluck when passing.