Who would I employ to paint parking lines to

white_elephant, Apr 23, 6:00pm
define parking for 3 cars. In Wellington.

megan109, Apr 23, 6:11pm
Ring the Wellington City council and ask for the mayor!

oh_hunnihunni, Apr 23, 7:18pm
A good handyman did ours. Put in those rubber bumper things, painted out the existing lines and repainted new ones a foot back.

Makes backing a bit challenging for the regulars, but amusing to watch.

jmma, Apr 23, 7:19pm

pico42, Apr 23, 8:07pm

karmae, Apr 24, 8:33pm
WCC did it for free in our street. We kept having people overlapping driveway and neighbours garage. We explained to WCC and asked for white lines, they came and painted then 1.5m? either side of driveways and garages. In another area where parking was short, if people parked badly it reduced parking significantly so they marked out each park (latter not entirely successful as length a bit tight).
But if it's a public road and not much parking and if people park badly you only get 2 instead of 3 parks they may mark then out for you free ! Ring the parking area at WCC and explain.

curlcrown, Apr 25, 10:00am
Whatever they chage I'll do it for half the price and have the rest of the week off.

gazzat22, Apr 25, 2:44pm
Is it going to make a difference? Super markets parking spaces are marked and doesnt seem to make a difference!

gyrogearloose, Jul 29, 11:06pm
If it's on your property then do it yourself, otherwise it's the property owners responsibility and anything you initiate isn't legitimate.