Pop up sprinklers on timers for lawn

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vintage_betty, Feb 27, 8:19am
But that is the problem, they do ask people to restrict water use at certain times but some people don't and think the rules don't apply to them.
I am not saying that the op is that person though, I have no idea if they are or not. I think timers are a great idea and that time sounds like an ideal one to water. Just as long as they restrict it when asked and obviously don't water when it is raining. Like our neighbour does grrr

johnn, Feb 27, 10:16pm
Well I'm that person, my lawn is beautiful while my neighbors are brown & dead, the sneaky council fitted a water meter on my water inlet 2 years ago & last year sent me a bill for over $1000, it took me 12 months of back & forwards emails to sort it out. They wanted to remove the standard charge on my rates & have me pay by the water meter, they seemed to be on a different planet but we got there in the end. On my daily walk around the neighborhood there are 3 serious leaks which the council have been advised of but they do nothing plus they are allowing 2000 new houses to be built (all with lawns) just up the road, & the Chinese bottling companies in the Hutt are creaming it yet they won't address the infrastructure issues.

melcraig, Aug 13, 5:11pm
Oh yes, I would love ground sprinklers too.

I am a careful waterer and am certainly not wasteful. And there's nothing wasteful and enjoying a lovely green lawn.