Can someone tell me what these plants are?

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shane777, Jul 2, 2:55pm
I spotted these little green things growing between the cobblestones so I pulled them out and planted them in a growing mix. They are growing rapidly but I am wondering what they might be, can anyone help.
Whoops! got to figure out how to add a photo.

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 2, 3:56pm
Lol, weeds probably. But hey - go to your My Trade Me page, scroll down to My Photos, and hit the upload photo button. Once you have it, click on view or see (can't remember which it says) My Photos, to get the full size shot up on screen, copy the URL or address and paste it into your post here.

And we'll see if we can help.

shane777, Jul 2, 4:43pm

sunnysue1, Jul 2, 4:46pm
Looks like a type of moss

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 2, 5:13pm
My vote goes to grass seeds. We need piquant to advise.

Nice pics though!

lythande1, Jul 3, 8:44am
No, it's a moss type. I get it, it is invasive, grows in damp shady spots.

wasgonna, Jul 3, 8:49am
Incredibly invasive but easily killed with sprays. I would like to know where it has come from. I've only noticed it in the last few years.

shane777, Jul 3, 9:48am
I like the idea it might be grasses, its actually not unattractive and would love to not have to kill it off just yet.

budgel, Jul 3, 11:50am
Leave them for a while and see what happens.

lindymf55, Jul 3, 11:58am
You have gone to alot of trouble, so I would wait until Spring, to see what happens. whether they flower or not.

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 3, 4:03pm
Grasses have flowers.

Just insignificant ones.

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 3, 4:04pm
You have enough there to do an art piece. Pick a regular shape, plant those in it close together, frame it, and keep it well trimmed. I bet it would look cool.

lindymf55, Jul 3, 4:15pm
There is nothing in nature that is insignificant. How very dare you say that some grasses are insignificant.

Mind you, I do think that all vermin are insignificant. Well, more like "I would scream the house down, if there were to ever be one land itself inside my house".

shane777, Jul 3, 5:00pm
So I guess I should let them continue to grow at this point and see what comes of them, initially I had hoped they were Carex? grasses as the whole cobblestone area they are growing thru on is surrounded by the grasses and they have long spikes loaded up with tiny yellow seeds but I guess not.

brightlights60, Jul 3, 6:33pm
Pretty sure thats a spreading weed.

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 3, 6:41pm
There are many more insignificant people than insignificant flowers. But probably not as many as there are grass flowers.

And skeeties. They aren't insignificant. Nasty things. And cockroaches. And great big rats in the laundry basket.

Bloody cat.

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 3, 6:44pm
I don't think you are that blessed. But there is nothing to stop you harvesting a few carex seedheads.

Nope, I think they are weeds. But then, weeds are just very well adapted common plants that we find annoying. So I still think a nice manicured mass planting would be very interesting.

starseeker, Jul 3, 7:31pm
I have this, it spread very well in the garden & is a bleddy nuisance but is easily killed by spraying with vinegar

nicc4, Jul 3, 10:01pm
I think it could be Poa annual winter grass

goodbyebunny, Jul 3, 11:48pm
Procumbent pearlwort (Sagina procumbens)

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 4, 9:13am
Pinks? Who knew, lol?

Thanks for that, I learned something new.

rainrain1, Jul 4, 9:35am
it's a darn nuisance moss

shane777, Jul 5, 11:38am
Thanks goodbyebunny, so I have googeled "Procumbent pearlwort (Sagina procumbens)" and it seems to indicate its a groundcover, looks quite attractive as it gets bigger, guess I should see how it goes, could certainly do with lots of ground cover.

kryptonite21, Jul 6, 10:01am
It does look like a Sagina, I would have guessed 'Aurea" but only because it's one of the more commonly found ones. It's similar to Scleranthus so look around your area for some mounds of it . it had to come from somewhere and that might help ID it?

pandana, Jul 6, 12:04pm
check out the app Inaturalist - if you hit the + sign to add a new observation and then take a good photo of it. ,. below where the photos show up there is like a dotted box with a question mark in it. that says
"what did I see" . hitting that - it has pretty decent photo recognition options. or failing that add a location and post it to the group. and there will be an expert some where.