How can you tell what type of paint

bleetbleet, Oct 26, 5:20am
is already on window frame.acrylic!water based enamel!spirit based enamel!.i dont want to buy paint that isnt suitable to put on top of existing paint

rainrain1, Oct 26, 5:25am
sand it down and undercoat with a sealer

aegis888, Oct 26, 9:39am
Put some meths on a rag and rub it.
If it shows on the rag its acrylic, if it doesn`t
its enamel.

elise24, Oct 29, 2:46am
Acrylic enamels can be hard to spot when using meths. If you want a quick job then do as above. However it won't matter if you use an acrylic enamelover an oil enamel, just don't do it the other way around.