Novice tomato grower question

gerry64, Nov 21, 10:50am
My granddaughter brought home to me two beautiful big tomato plants from the supermarket - but I notice despite them looking very healthy tall and strong there are no flowers at all - can we do anything to encourage them to flower

lythande1, Nov 21, 11:35am
Patience. They'll flower when ready.

harrislucinda, Nov 21, 1:12pm
potash helps plants to flower as above flowers will appear still time for tomato plants

holly-rocks, Nov 22, 9:20am
Still early-ish in the season. Just wait they will come :)

gerry64, Nov 22, 9:35am
They are a metre high - growing in the supermarket probably wasn’t optimum but they look very healthy so I shall be patient

grandad-doug, Nov 22, 11:21am
when you see two little leaves growing between main stem and lateral pinch them out to encourage side growth

gerry64, Nov 22, 5:56pm
Thanks have done that

pauline999, Nov 28, 11:53am
I'm a beginner too and my one and only plant is now about 3 feet tall and still growing - do I cut the top off as it has gone past the support frame and is still growing? I have 3 green tomatoes so far - one the size of a marble, and two pea sized ones. No more flowers yet though. It's a campari plant from mitre 10.

lythande1, Nov 28, 6:30pm
You can trim them. or not. Your preference.
We only do once they turn into mad vines.

trade4us2, Sep 6, 3:43pm
Next year you should use new soil, as the old soil will have tomato blight in it.