Protecting your plants from the dog

kittylittle, Oct 9, 7:28pm
any ideas would be appreciated, apart from dog stew.

I would LOVE to have a nice garden, but I also have two large dogs that sleep in, dig up and run through plants. I have stopped buying the like of pretty wee annuals and tried flowering shrubs, but they need a chance to grow large enough to be safe.

lakeview3, Oct 9, 7:59pm
Forget it. I had one dog hell bent on making dirt nests. I tried everything. Bricks sticks chicken wire, plants ypu name it. In the end I was better to just let him make his nest where he wanted it and there was less damage. Mum and dad had a dog who did similar, both were border collie crosses. My last dog was border collie cross but she never attempted to make such a mess!

wine-o-clock, Oct 9, 8:23pm
that would do my head in. Train or get rid of the dogs, build them somewhere to sleep

lakeview3, Oct 9, 9:22pm
my dog who did it was already 2 when I got him and yes I did give him heaps of other places to sleep, baskets, kennels. just liked to lie in the dirt especially on hot days. little rascal.

annie17111, Oct 9, 9:37pm
Plant lots of rose bushes? Or fence plants off until they are big enough to survive the dogs? I've given up on gardening at the moment, between our two dogs and the lamb running around it's just not worth it. Any thing I really love has a protective barrier of chicken wire and that's working so far.

herc18, Oct 10, 7:47am
Plant the annuals in hanging planters and fence off the little bushes with wire panels from bunnings.

kacy5, Oct 10, 6:23pm
A battery electric fence and wire/tape along where you don't want them to go. I had a Boxer I took over from a family member who was determined to jump into a paddock. Two shocks and he never tried again although the tape, not connected, stayed along the top for years until age killed off his jumping skills.

zachary, Oct 10, 7:35pm
Listing #: 2810149040

athena2, Oct 10, 8:49pm
At least they're your dogs so you can control them! The plants in my front section have been killed by the damned dogs in our street - the owners are with them too and allow them to poop and pee in our garden. Sprayed cayenne pepper mix on plants now - that should fix them!

strathview, Oct 10, 9:26pm
Electric fence or put the dogs in their own area that they can trash.

kittylittle, Oct 11, 6:25am
fantastic idea. thank you!

brightlights60, Oct 11, 5:19pm
We have "zones". Right down one side of the house is gates in two parts, long and short dog run. Back of house is vege garden. No dog zone. Driveway along other side is dog friendly, he does go in the rose garden but gets yelled at so does absolutely no damage. Front big entertaining yard/lawn, decks. He is allowed around there when we are there. All a matter of allowing your dog in certain areas, fencing off those you don't want a dog. Neighbour was asking us today as he was building a vege garden and didn't want the dogs on it. I said, fence the vege garden.

alm1003, Oct 12, 7:07am
My dog dug up my garden this weekend in search of the sheep poo pellets I had mixed into the soil. A friend told me that dogs don’t like to dig where their poop is, so I have placed some of his poop there as a temporary measure. It worked for her so fingers crossed.

sumstyle, Sep 21, 10:07am
To protect my smaller plants I put upside down wire baskets over them - the folliage comes up and disguises the wire, but my dog learns not to run over that area of the garden, or try to dig there. I also add in solid bits of garden art, to stop his headstrong rush along the front fence, "welcoming" people to his part of the street. He now only hangs around the gate where he can get a view and show himself off to advantage.