Cleaning old white linen dress

fendie, Jun 4, 9:25pm
I have an old (50 years ? ) white dress, my 21 year old grand daughter looks divine in it. It is short and lovely soft thick linen, and lined. It isn't very dirty but I would like to get it a bit cleaner if possible. My daughter thinks that maybe soaking in Napisan might help, I am a bit wary of that, it says "not on wool, silk or leather". But maybe linen would be OK. Anyone got any comments ? Thanks in advance.

oh_hunnihunni, Jun 4, 9:44pm
Wool, silk, and leather are protein based, cotton, linen, and bamboo are plant based fibres, so you should be safe enough. But if in doubt ring the Help line number on the product. From memory, there is one.

fendie, Jun 4, 10:09pm
Thanks, that is an excellent idea. I'll ring the Napisan people tomorrow.

articferrit, Jun 5, 10:01am
Ring Ferrymead or the museum and ask them about linen.

sprinter51, Jun 5, 5:47pm
3% hydrogen peroxide is normally used for stain removal
You could allow the dress to soak for 1/2 hour and the rinse with cold water

eljayv, Nov 3, 12:47pm
I think this is good idea Shannon Lush uses similar method for whitening yellowed wool.