Painting wood with roof paint

trade4us2, Mar 26, 12:47pm
I have lots of roof paint and I want to paint H3 plywood to match the roof.
I don't care if it's a matt finish, in fact I would prefer a matt finish.
The paint is Wattyl Solagard roof paint, a dark colour.
I do have the correct Solagard for wood but there's not much left.

golfdiver, Mar 26, 12:58pm
It is not recommended to use roof paint on wood surfaces, even if it is H3 plywood. While the paint may adhere to the surface initially, it may not provide long-lasting protection or durability for the wood.

Roof paint may contain chemicals that are not suitable for use on wood, which could result in the paint peeling or fading quickly. This could also affect the appearance of the paint, as well as its ability to protect the wood from the elements.

If you have the correct Solagard paint for wood, it would be best to use that instead. While it may be inconvenient to purchase more paint, using the correct type of paint will ensure that your project is successful and that the wood is properly protected. If you do decide to use the roof paint, be sure to do a test patch in an inconspicuous area to ensure that the paint adheres well and looks acceptable before proceeding with the full project.

maclad, Mar 26, 4:04pm
I bought Velspar paint for my roof and the salesman told me it would be fine on timber

nzmax, Mar 26, 8:37pm
Solagard roof can't be used directly on bare timber, but if you use a primer first, Solagard Roof can be used over that. The normal Solagard you have can be used as the primer. This was one of the things we discussed on a Wattyl paint course last week.

trade4us2, Mar 26, 8:51pm
I have got lots of white Solagard wood paint but I don't want to put green paint over that.

gph1961, Mar 26, 11:01pm
suit yourself

tegretol, Mar 26, 11:33pm
They'll tell ya anything that gets yer wallet opened out.

pauldw, Mar 27, 7:29am
Does your council run a recycling shop at the landfill?

I can usually find some Timbacryl or similar in a colour close to my intended topcoat at Wgtn's.

lythande1, Mar 27, 7:49am
I have done it. It worked.

trade4us2, Dec 2, 5:56pm
I have changed my mind, I will buy some more Wattyl Solagard timber paint.
I have vast amounts of sheds and garages and shutters to paint, although my present job needs only a couple of litres.