New plum dead?

catsmeat1, Aug 28, 9:39am
Just started new home orchard. Planted two plums on 15 August. The Satsuma is in leaf. Nothing happening with the Reine Claude, De Bavay. Will it still come out? Or have I bought a dead stick?

maclad, Aug 28, 11:11am
If you gently scrape a wee hole in bark and it shows green underneath then your plum is fine. They all ripen at different times and this may be a later variety.

ricp, Aug 28, 11:48am
plum Reine claude de bavay is a european plum like greengage.
They're all later coming into leaf than the common Japanese plums so don't give up yet.

mosaics1, Aug 28, 12:59pm
I just planted a Reine Claude de bavay 2 weeks ago - bare rooted. Still, dormant but should begin to come away soon. Good luck

catsmeat1, Sep 30, 10:47pm
Thanks everyone. That is very reassuring. Hopefully will see some bud growth soon.