What best to plant in West Auckland this month

omaria, Aug 13, 1:00pm
Just prepared a raised vegetable garden. Our last one I got overly enthusiastic and planted too much which of course did not work too well. Any gardening suggestions welcome.p

lythande1, Aug 13, 1:12pm
Things you actually will eat.

omaria, Aug 13, 2:38pm
Yes I figured that out. But how much to plant where and are seeds or plants better?

heisei28, Aug 13, 4:00pm

lythande1, Aug 13, 4:06pm
Work out how much you eat a week. Stagger the planting if you can.
Decide if you only want the stuff fresh, or if you will freeze any.
I use seeds for everything except capsicums, that because they take so long from seed.
where? In the garden you have prepared or have you not started it yet?
Don't believe the packet info, they ALL say full sun and many veges don't actually like being baked in summer sun.
Look it up as the above link shows. you know what you want, we don't, there are plenty of guides around

dibble35, Aug 13, 5:48pm
Carrots, lettuce, NZ spinach. spring onions would all work well this month. Oct you should start thinking about planting your summer veges. Tomatoes, lettuce, basil, zucchini, beans, corn etc. So really unless you have heaps of room you probably want to stick to something quick growing that you will be harvesting by then.

omaria, Aug 13, 8:59pm
Thanks that’s helpful.

ceebee2, Aug 14, 12:59am
Marijuana of course!

blueviking, Oct 7, 3:55pm
Mitre mega had asparagus crowns for half price. They are 1 year old so should produce this summer and for the next 25 yrs.