Best birdnetting to use

gag5, Apr 30, 12:46am
HI. Building a walkin berry garden & wondering what is the best netting to use for the top covering? have used ordinary chicken wire for sides but thought to just use off the roll mesh type for roof. Black? White? Knit style? plastic?

les6, Apr 30, 2:18am
free would be good?

paddypf, Apr 30, 3:16am
I use white ex vineyard it comes up for sale on here now and again.

gem661, Apr 30, 3:44am
I use this sort for the berry gardens.
It is stretchy and a good strength.

samanya, Apr 30, 5:19am
I have a walk in berry garden approx 10m x 4m & used chicken netting for the lower sides (got sheep on the outside) & I used black roll product netting, similar to what gemm661 has shown for the top half & roof.The door is an old recycled sliding shower door (after bathroom renovations) . works well, only wish I'd made it a bit bigger.

gag5, Jan 19, 7:06pm
hey thanks for those comments. Will go with the white thats on here.