How do you get Kumara plants from a Kumara

tourer100, Oct 29, 2:52pm
Google it

serendipity55, Oct 29, 3:40pm
put them on a hotbed,bury in damp sand,keep moist and warm,heaps of shoots will form and come up through the can remove these and plant them and more will come.

ayjay1, Oct 29, 10:14pm
Thanks for that :-) It is probably a bit late now for this year.

arcane1315, Feb 24, 12:44am
Cut a kumara in half - place in a bowl of water. Shoots will grow - when they are long enough break them off, put in a glass of water till they get roots - then plant. (I don't think its too late to do it?) You can keep the kumara in the bowl growing as a pot plant if you want :)