bexta021, Jan 7, 9:45pm
Need to update our outdoor setting. Any recommendations of brands, wooden vs aluminium etc. Thanks

woody89, Jan 7, 10:44pm
Wooden vs aluminium will come down to personal choice & location- aluminium is lightweight & will get air borne in a decent wind. I have an ali set in a covered & very sheltered area. I like it as apart from a wash at the start of the season there is no real maintenance. On an exposed deck I have a very heavy kwila set, this looks great & is also comfortable but I get tired of re staining it every other year.

bexta021, Jan 8, 8:18am
Thanks for yr comments Woody89. We have a very old Kwila set. Only three of the chairs are usable now out of 6 that we had. Its out in the open all the time so probably would be best to get wooden again as i hadnt thought if the aluminium one miving in a strong breeze.

brightlights60, Jan 16, 9:12am
We had a heavy outdoor set of Kwila, big round table with 6 chairs and hardly ever used it. A few years ago bought a lighter one from Briscos in one of their endless sales. I restain/paint every second year and nowadays keep it covered in Winter and its looking really nice. It wasn't expensive and I think the trick is just to look after it. Hubby redoes the odd screw and we give it a good hose down and scrub before repainting.